Can You Modify Your Alimony Order?

Can You Modify Your Alimony Order?

2020 has brought financial struggles for many people - whether you lost your job, were furloughed and fell behind on your bills, had to close a business, or faced medical bills and other circumstances that created hardship. When this happens, you might be tempted to postpone or stop certain payments that do not seem necessary, and alimony payments might be one. However, you should never simply stop paying alimony. This is a violation of a court order, and it can have serious consequences. Being unemployed is not a justification to violate a court order - instead, you need to follow the proper avenues to request a modification of your alimony order. Proving Change of Circumstances In order for spouses to get an alimony order reduced or terminated, they must show…
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Who Gets the Family Home in a Divorce?

Who Gets the Family Home in a Divorce?

Many married couples purchase a home together and build their family’s life in that home. If you are getting divorced, it is only natural to wonder what will happen to your house. Will you get to remain in the home? Will you have to sell it? These are important questions to discuss with your divorce lawyer in Roseville. Your Home as Community Property California is a community property state, which means that all property and assets that spouses acquire is considered to be community property. This is property that needs to be divided in a divorce. Even if the home is only in one person’s name, it will be community property if you purchased it during your marriage. If one spouse owned the home prior to marriage, and the other…
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Domestic Violence and Divorce

Domestic Violence and Divorce

Domestic Violence
The stay-at-home orders and other isolation efforts meant to combat the spread of COVID-19 have an unfortunate effect for many people, as the reports of domestic violence incidents have increased in the past couple of months. If you have been the victim of domestic violence, you have options to protect you and your children, and you should speak with a domestic violence lawyer in Roseville as soon as possible about seeking a possible order of protection. In many situations, domestic violence allegations lead to divorce cases, and such allegations can certainly impact your divorce in many ways. While California is a no-fault divorce state, the court can consider domestic violence accusations when it comes to different issues that are part of your case. Child custody - Domestic violence allegations do…
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Factors that Can Complicate a California Divorce

Factors that Can Complicate a California Divorce

Some divorce cases wrap up relatively simply and quickly, while other cases can drag on for a year or longer, costing spouses significant resources. So, what are some factors that can make a case more complicated? Children Divorce cases that do not involve children only have financial matters - such as property division or alimony - to resolve. However, if you and your spouse have children together, it automatically adds the issues of child custody and child support to your plate. Many parents are highly emotional when it comes to spending time with their children, so custody matters can be difficult to resolve. Even if you agree on a custody arrangement, having children involved can still delay the outcome of your case. Complicated Assets and Property Property division is a…
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Requirements for a Divorce in California

Requirements for a Divorce in California

California law oversees the divorce process, and spouses must comply with the requirements under the law in order to legally end their marriage. The following are only some of the basic requirements to seek a divorce in this state. To discuss your specific situation, consult with a divorce lawyer in Roseville right away. Residency Not just anyone can petition a California court for a divorce. Instead, one or both spouses must have been residents of the state for six months or more before filing the petition. You must file the divorce petition in the county where you live, and one spouse must have been a resident of that county for three months or longer. Grounds The divorce petition must state grounds for seeking a divorce. California does not recognize fault-based…
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Back-to-School Tips after a Summer Divorce

Back-to-School Tips after a Summer Divorce

If you and your spouse get divorced over the summer, it can put a lot of stress on your child. This stress does not simply go away once school starts, and with busy schedules full of sports, homework, and activities, it can be easy to forget that your child has experienced a major change. The following are only a few tips when school starts again after a divorce. Talk to their teachers. Never be afraid to notify the school and your child’s teachers of the divorce. Teachers can keep an eye on your child and advise whether they may need to spend time with the school counselor or need other accommodations. Divorce can result in lower performance in school or acting out, and it is important that teachers understand why…
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